The Nashville Video Maker for Small Businesses
WeMakeVideos has spent years producing videos from the ground up and are here to help you do just that. We take on tasks large or small and are the go-to video maker for all types and sizes of businesses. We can…
Crowdfunding Teaser Video Creativity
Trade Show Video Production
Trade shows bring big and small businesses together and can be very profitable if properly prepared. Interactive media, flashy booths, video production and video displays play a part in many businesses strategy to attractive customers to their booth. Sometimes companies…
Making Sense of Legal Videos
Legal video is a fast-growing area for many production companies and for small business owners. A good thing to start with is just by taping a deposition. What is a deposition you ask? Well if you want the legal jargon…
Your Next Demonstration Video
Demonstration videos come in many shapes and sizes. There are product demonstration videos, in-store demonstrations, home demonstrations and trade show demonstrations. Taking your time and making any of these demonstrations into a video will not only help you but in…
Creating Educational Videos – Classroom -Business
Convention Video Production Company Nashville
Are you looking for a convention video production company in Nashville? Whether you are holding your own company convention or working as a guest at an industry wide event, you want to make an impact and you want to contribute…
Product Marketing Videos
Have you ever been mesmerized by different product marketing videos? Who hasn't? Whether it be a long list of horribly made As Seen on TV videos or about a product you just bought and you are learning how to use…
Funeral Videos
I know this is not the most cheery of topics but as life becomes more technical and how everything needs to be accessible immediately, this is one topic that is climbing to the top. Funeral videos do not necessarily have…