Video is a powerful tool for engaging website visitors. It can be used to communicate…

Fast Company’s Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van Contest
If you have them to spare, we could use some good vibes! WeMakeVideos recently entered a contest that would allow us to take our business to the next level. Fast Company and Mercedes-Benz are giving away a Sprinter Van, which we have been dreaming of owning (even a used one) for a few years now. We’ve been using my small SUV to lug around our stuff to shoots but it is just exhausting for us and the 7 year old SUV, not to mention when my baby has to be taken somewhere on the way. We started looking at older model cargo vans but we are worried about taking on an older model vehicle to be our workhorse – we can’t take on anything that is high maintenance! With one of these other cargo vans, we would not have an option for a row of seats for crew or kid.
We offer both videography and photography services and many times our clients want both, which is great. However, most people don’t realize that it is a completely different lighting setup to do each one so that means almost twice the amount of gear needed for a shoot. This means that when we are on a video shoot and the client decides on the spot they want to add a photography session – we don’t have the gear present to make it happen – UGH! We’ve done lots of juggling and made multiple trips and just been doing whatever we need to do to make it happen. We love what we do and nothing will change if we don’t win the Sprinter but if we DO win the Sprinter, our lives will change and that is not an understatement. We’ll be able to clean out my garage for one, have all our equipment protected and best of all, we’ll have everything with us on every shoot. We’ll eliminate all the loading and unloading hassles and really be able to focus on making videos. I’ve always been a fan of Tetris but using those skills and so much brain power before we “start” working is just kicking our butts.
And in case you are into the business aspect of our business plan, we know the costs associated with winning the Sprinter and know where the money would come from, have a plan on how we’d customize it and even have insurance quoted out on it! And if we don’t win the Sprinter, we might be heading to the used van lot in a couple of months to see if we can find a diamond in the rough that can be the next full time crew member of the WeMakeVideos team!
As of right now, there isn’t any voting or anything for you to do right now but we’d just appreciate you sending good thoughts and keeping your fingers crossed for us! Every startup company gets a break every now and then, right? Check out our submission video below for the #DYBF contest.
Fast Company & Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van Contest Video:
We are ready to drive our business forward! #DYBF