Video is a powerful tool for engaging website visitors. It can be used to communicate…
Indiegogo Video Production
Looking to have your great idea funded through the crowd funding platform, Indiegogo? If so, you are going to need a great video to get people to take action and pledge. WMV Productions is one of the leaders in the industry for making Kickstarter videos and with the popularity of Indiegogo rising, we’re happy to be working with some of it’s patrons as well.
Many people ask what our “secret sauce” is when creating an indiegogo video production. To be honest, the “secret sauce” is just good ole script writing and a solid video production skills. With the cost of cameras getting lower and lower anyone with a camera can hit the record button and go. Unfortunately, that does not necessarily make for a good indiegogo video. WMV Productions is a full service video production house that makes videos for name brands and small companies all over the world. We have a soft spot for business startups trying to get their idea off the ground, because we know exactly how hard it is to get a business going. With that in mind we started indiegogo video production that is at a reduced price of our normal video productions. Same great video, but at a more affordable rate for entrepreneurs trying to get funded. It has worked out well for many business startups and we are proud to be a part of their campaigns.
Take a look at few of our Indiegogo video productions below

It all starts with a script. Most people that call us up start immediately with some awesome ideas they have on how the video should look. While it is important to have a sleek video that grabs people’s attention, we believe that it all starts with the script. The script really is the story of your indiegogo video production. Our team of writers can help you craft a great story about your product that will engage your audience and get people to want to fund you. After the script is written and the story is in place, then we go to storyboarding.
Storyboarding your Indiegogo video production
This is the fun part. Now that we figured out exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it, we get to figure out how it will look. Does your product fly down from space and save the planet? Is the host a muscular man or a petite woman? Do you want lots of graphics or do you want to just see the product used in real life scenarios? All these questions can now be answered and written out so no matter where you may be, you know exactly what the video will look like before we even start recording!
Shooting your Indiegogo video production
Did I say the last part was the fun part? THIS is the fun part. Now that the video is scripted and storyboarded, we get to hire actors (if needed), get all our gear and start shooting! Since we have done all the preplanning and storyboarding this is a very relaxed and fun part of the process. We are just putting all the pieces together to make the perfect crowd funding video.
Editing your Indiegogo video production
After we shoot we will have your video ready to post to Indiegogo in 2 weeks or less. While most video production companies can take a month or more to get your video edited we understand by this point in the process you are ready to go live and start raising capital. With that in mind we make your video project a priority and will have it all polished up and ready for you in record time.
What really makes a great Indiegogo video production is all the little details. We want to take care of all of them for you. Are you ready to get funded? Take a look at some of our past projects below and then give us a call to help you create a killer video for your Indiegogo campaign.
Task One Indiegogo Video Production
One of our earliest videos, but still one of my favorites. The creator of the Task One swiss army knife iPhone case is the nicest guy on the planet. Oddly enough, Kickstarter did not allow him to sell his case on Kcikstarter because it has a small knife in it, so they considered it a weapon. No problem. We shot an alternate ending to his video while in Atlanta (like we do with all clients). This alternate ending was evergreen so we could post it on any crowd funding site. He went straight over to Indiegogo and got funded. WOOT WOOT!
Virtero Indiegogo Video Production
Now here is a cool video. These guys wanted to make a crowd funding video that showed off their new triathlon training service. They did not have the site built yet, but had the back end prepared. NO PROBLEM! We used some mockups of their website , animated them like someone was using the site and then filmed some footage of athletes running, swimming and biking. SMASH! Indiegogo video production at it’s finest.
Bands of Clean Indiegogo Video Production
The Bands of Clean was a crowd funding campaign that started from a product that already existed, but branched off on to a new niche. The client sent us some of the cool bands and we shot everything in Nashville to stay on budget with what the client was looking to spend. As a Indiegogo video producers we know how to create engaging videos that don’t break the bank.
Lazy Glamour Indiegogo Video Production
What a fun video to make. The peeps over at Lazy Glamour sent over some of their eco-friendly underwear and we hired some models to prance around and show them off. I did not personally put a pair of these ladies underwear on, but my partner tells me they felt amazing. After a couple of weeks she still would not stop talking about them. Maybe I should think twice about trying on a pair?
Treeson Indiegogo Video Production
An amazing product, no wonder it got fully funded! A water bottle that biodegrades!! We flew to Costa Rica and shot in the jungle for a week and then over to New York to get some city shots. Simply amazing. Now if he could only invent zero calorie tacos we could all live happily ever after.
Zenmanu Indiegogo Video Production
This video is a great example of having a small product that makes a big impact. These guys made little tabletop zen gardens. People who are in to zen gardens flocked all over it. Fun to be put to the test to make a big video from such a small pice of furniture.
Blue Viper Indiegogo Video Production
Ever want to spray weeds, but not waste a ton of hazardous spray? Well Blue Viper figured it out! They use the smallest amount of spray possible (they measure it in microns) to weed your garden. PLUS, they use invisible ink to make the spot…. why am I telling you all about it, watch the video and see how awesome it is.
WMV Productions Indiegogo video production involves us helping you with your script and concepting your video, then we move to storyboarding, shooting and then editing with a custom graphics package and music tailored to your project. We help you tell your story, whether you decide to be on camera or not! Contact us today to see if we are the right fit for your Indiegogo campaign video.
More Examples of our videos made by our Indiegogo Video Producer Team: