Video is a powerful tool for engaging website visitors. It can be used to communicate…

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One of the most popular projects we are doing lately is training videos production. Companies have found that they can teach their employees about new products, features, continuing education and even best practices with video. Gone are the days of day or week long orientations or seminars. Businesses have found that they can teach many things with a strong series of training videos.
Externally, companies, like Google, Paypal and Skype have found that they can introduce a new product or feature or even do troubleshooting and FAQs for their website with video. This can save time, money and even improve their customer support.
This can seem like a complicated and expensive project but we’ve seen that companies are rearranging their resources and finding that video can help to educate and eliminate wasted time and frustration for their employees and their customers. WMV Productions has worked with several companies to create a series of high quality training video productions that work with their business goals, internally and externally.
We find that people are afraid of video production because they don’t know much about it or how to do it. They know that it can help their business but they just aren’t sure how yet. We are happy to walk you through the entire process. We’ll start by talking you through some ideas and some pain points that you may have that can be solved with video.
Workplace Safety Training Video Example:
For example, if you are getting the same call over and over again in your customer service center, you might find that you can create a video that is easily found on your site that tells people how to solve their problem. More and more people turn to the internet to solve their problem before picking up the phone. This one video can lead to happier customers and a streamlined call center! The same is true with FAQs. You get the question all the time but if the written answer is hard to show or explain, maybe a video will show the customer EXACTLY where the reset button is or how to navigate their Account Settings.
So how do you get started with training videos production?
The first question we are going to ask you is, “What is the goal of your video?”. In other words, WHY are you going to make the video and WHAT question/ problem is it going to solve? WHAT will each video teach?
If your head is still spinning, here are some examples of places that training videos can fit into your website or your workplace:
- FAQs
- New Hire orientation
- Technical support
- Troubleshooting
- Continuing education
- Account Setup
- New Features
- Website/ Program Updates
- Executive Messages/ Training/ Seminars
- Step by Step Instructions
- Cleaning/ Maintenance Instructions
- Tutorials
- Email Newsletter Tips
If you are looking for a way to easily reach your employees or customers, give us a call about how we can do your tutorial and training videos production: 615-852-5869
With so many different ways to create a training video, we decided to show a few different examples that we have found that you may like. Take a look below and let us know if your company needs a training video today!
Corporate Training Video Example:
Website Training Video Example:
Workplace Safety Training Video Example:
HR Training Video Example:
If you are looking for a way to easily reach your employees or customers, give us a call about how we can do your tutorial and training videos production: 615-852-5869